Lot-2 of Vidin - Vratsa highway in Bulgaria (21.08.2021)

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Drone video from the construction of the highway Vidin - Vratsa - Lot-2.

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Road I-1 road junction "Makresh/Dimovo" to road junction "Bela" from km 33+400 to km 47+000 with a length of 13.6 km.

The section under construction starts from the future "Makresh" road junction, and ends right after "Bela" road junction. It will pass on a new road, outside the route of the existing road I-1.

It starts from the fork for Makresh, at the future road junction "Makresh", and is near the village of Bela. It will pass on a new route, outside the scope of the existing road I-1.
The new road will be designed with format of G28 motorway, including two lanes for traffic in the direction, an emergency lane, banquets and a dividing strip, and in certain sections with larger slopes the construction of a lane for slow-moving trucks is envisaged.
At the 36th km the new road will cross g. n. the line Vidin - Sofia with an overpass and will pass over an irrigation canal. From the 37th to the 42nd km it will descend to the town of Dimovo and the river Archar, will cross road I-1 and at the 40th km will pass east of the town of Dimovo. From the 42nd to the 47th km the road will continue east of the town of Dimovo and the village of Bela, it will be located parallel to the road Dimovo - Ruzhintsi and at the 46th km it will cross the road I-1 with the road junction "Bela".

In this section (Makresh-Bela) two road junctions will be built - road junction "Makresh" at the 36th km and road junction "Bela" on the road I-1 in the section Bela - Skomlya, which is at the 46th km. A number of facilities will be built - 8 bridges, 2 agricultural underpasses, culverts, etc. A traffic control center will be located near the Bela junction.

The implementation period is 30 months.

For contacts: [email protected]

Video: Construction of Lot-2 of Vidin - Vratsa highway in Bulgaria
Video Format: 4k
Date: 21.08.2021
Music: Royalty Free Music from Bensound
#Vidin #Bulgaria #Romania #Mezdra #Vratsa

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