Construction of "Europe" highway (27.07.2021)

93 Просмотры
Drone video from the construction of the highway "Europe" - A6 (LOT-1) from Dragoman to Kalotina in Bulgaria

14.5 km from km 1 + 000 to km 15 + 500 with gauge A-25.5 m and design speed 100 km / h. It is planned to build 10 large facilities - 4 overpasses, 2 agricultural underpasses, 2 underpasses, 1 overpass and 1 bridge.

On June 17, 2019, a contract for construction supervision was signed with DZZD "Nadzor Kalotina - SOP" and the deadline for implementation is 910 days. The first sod was made on February 13, 2020.

Video: Europe Highway A6 construction (Dragoman - Kalotina) - Lot 1
Video Format: 4k
Date: 27.07.2021
Music in this video:

Music by Jay Someday

Track: Secret To Happiness by JayJen
Music Provided by Audio Library Plus
Free Download / Stream:

Unicorn Heads - My Train's A Comin
Music by Atch
Atch - Your Love
Scandinavianz - Sol
Music provided by Scandinavianz

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